Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jesus be the centre of my life - making it happen.

I've just been to a couple of night meetings at the Arise Conference 2011 and while I was there booked in to Arise Conference 2012.  I enjoyed being in the Michael Fowler Centre with around 2000 people who were singing and jumping in worship to Jesus.

One song that stuck out for me from the Friday night was a song by Israel Houghton called "Jesus be the centre of my life"

I especially loved to sing this line:
From my heart to the heavens Jesus be the centre.   It's all about you, yes it's all about you.
 These are great lyrics to sing and a great sentiment to have and while you are singing it, you believe you will do it.  Often, though as you return from a conference or a high point of experience, you can return to what you were before you went to the conference.  John Cameron had a good word in this regard. He said to build a monument and give an offering.

In the old testament times the Israelites often built monuments of large stones when something significant had happened to remind themselves of that occasion. Every time they would pass it they would see it and remember something great that God had done.  It would also be a reminder to be faithful to the plan God had given them.

What can we do in our culture today to give ourselves reminders of what God has done and the plan he has for us?  You can do tons of things but here is one idea.  Use your phone.  Many of us carry a phone around with us almost 24/7.  Why not make a note about what God has done and set an alarm to go off each week to bring that note up.

Whatever you do, make the effort to appreciate what God has done and honour him by living up to why he did it.

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